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Updated on Oct 23,2017

Notice on the Launch of Marketing Campaigns in Cooperation with Shanghai Futures Exchange

FROM: The General Office of Shanghai Futures Exchange

TO: All Members

SUBJECT: Notice on the Launch of Marketing Campaigns in Cooperation with Shanghai Futures Exchange

FILING SERIAL: SQBF [2017] No. 156

October 23,2017


To further facilitate the promotion of futures products of Shanghai Futures Exchange (“the Exchange”) and help various investors in the market learn about both the futures market and contract rules, the Exchange is planning to implement large-scale marketing campaigns together with its Members. During the period from September 1,2017 to December 31, 2017, the Exchange will host no more than 5 events in cooperation with each Member and assume relevant expenses in compliance with its internal financial standards (no more than RMB30,000 yuan per event). The Exchange will manage all events based on the actual amounts incurred. See Appendix 1 for details.


Futures firms who are interested in our scheme may assign dedicated post and personnel at the headquarter level and contact the Membership Department for the implementation of cooperative marketing campaigns. Please fill out the agreement as attached herein and make your reply via the following e-mail address prior to November 3,2017.


Contact: Chen Yuanyuan and Zou Lin

Tel.: 021-20616166, 021-20616170


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