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Updated on Oct 17,2017

Notice on the Imposition of Trading Limit on Relevant Zinc Contracts

FROM: The Shanghai Futures Exchange

TO: All Members

SUBJECT: Notice on the Imposition of Trading Limit on Relevant Zinc Contracts


October 17, 2017


Upon our consideration, it has been decided that the following measures shall be made to the trading of zinc products in accordance with the Risk Management Rules of Shanghai Futures Exchange:


Effective as of October 18, 2017, the position limit of zinc contracts such as ZN1712 applicable to Non-FF Members and Clients opening new positions within the same day will be 2,000 lots. Any group of actual control relation accounts identified by the Exchange shall be subject to the positions limit for one client.


However, the hedging trade is exempt from such a restriction.


Hereby notify the above.

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