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Updated on Jul 27,2017

Approval of Adding New Product Labels to 2 Electrolytic Nickel Brands produced by PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel

From: The Shanghai Futures Exchange

To: PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel

Subject: Approval of Adding New Product Labels to 2 Electrolytic Nickel Brands

produced by PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel

Filing Serial: SQPF [2017] No.40

July 27 , 2017


This is an official response to your company’s Report on Application for Adding Product Labels to Severonickel Combine H-1 and Severonickel Combine H-1Y Brands of Electrolytic Nickel, and with respect to the Rules on Registration of Nonferrous Metals Products for Futures Delivery, you’re hereby notified of the following:  

I. We grant your company the approval of adding one product label each to the Severonickel Combine H-1 and Severonickel Combine H-1Y Brands of electrolytic nickel being registered with the Exchange.

II. Other registration information on Severonickel Combine H-1 and Severonickel Combine H-1Y Brands of electrolytic nickel remains unchanged.

III. Since the date of issuance, the above-mentioned products shall be applicable to physical delivery against the Exchange’s nickel futures contract. The products’ new labels are as below:

Severonickel Combine H-1:

Severonickel Combine H-1Y



Shanghai Futures Exchange


July 27, 2017

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