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Updated on Jun 29,2017

Notice on Assisting INE in its Third Testing in Production Environment

From: Shanghai Futures Exchange 

To: All Members and Distributors 

Subject: Notice on Assisting INE in its Third Testing in Production Environment 

Filing Serial: SQF [2017] No. 107    


To smoothly launch the crude oil futures, Shanghai International Energy Exchange (“INE”), a subsidiary of Shanghai Futures Exchange, plans to conduct its third testing in production environment between July 1st and July 2nd.

SHFE’s assistance is what INE needs to jointly complete this testing, mainly to verify whether trading, clearing, market data distribution and other concerning business of SHFE can run normally during the listing of crude oil futures.    

The details are as below: 

. The testing simulates business scenario the day before the listing of crude oil futures and the day of the listing of crude oil futures respectively. See the Guidance on SHFE’s Testing in Production Environment for testing process, and the Feedback Form of SHFE’s Assistance in INE’s Second Crude Oil Futures in Testing in Production Environment for testing contents shall be submitted to before 18:00 of July 2nd when the whole testing process is concluded.

. During the testing, the Member Service System is intended for testing purpose only, not for providing production data service.    

.Please get ready for production data backup, do well in recovery and verification of production data after the completion of testing, and make sure that this testing will not affect the normal operation of production system.

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