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Updated on May 31,2017

Notice on the Mermbership of 92 Futures Firms Approved by INE

 FROM: The Shanghai Futures Exchange


To: All Members


SUBJECT: Notice on the Mermbership of 92 Futures Firms Approved by INE


FILING SERIAL:  SQF [2017] No. 88


May 31, 2017


Following the consideration by the Board of Directors on May 31, 2017, the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (“INE”), a subsidiary of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, has approved the membership of 92 futures firms (See Attachment for details) pursuant to the Membership Management Rules of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange and relevant provisions.  


For the next step, Shanghai Futures Exchange will proactively support INE in its preparations for membership enrollment.  



AttachmentList of 92 Futures Firms Approved by INE 

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