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Updated on May 08,2017

Announcements on Investigation and Punishment against Violations of April, 2017

 Announcements on Investigation and Punishment against Violations of April, 2017

No. (2017) 26

Date: May 8, 2017


To better intensify risk prevention and first-line regulation, standardize futures trading behaviors and to guarantee the legitimate interests of participants in the futures market, Shanghai Futures Exchange has been continuing its efforts to investigate and punish violations correspondingly. The investigation and punishment against violations are listed as follows:

Having investigated 7 cases of trading behaviors that have caused abnormal price fluctuation, the Exchange has set cases against 3 of them that may have violated trading rules.

69 cases of abnormal trading have been dealt with, among which 22 were cases that have exceeded the limits of self-matching trading, 44 were cases of frequent order placement and cancellation, and 2 were cases of large-sized order placement and cancellation.

The Exchange has dealt with 1 case of exceeding the limits of actual control account trading, publicized to the market about 3 clients that have reached standards of abnormal trading set by the Exchange, and restricted them from position opening.

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