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Updated on Mar 24,2017

Notification on Schedule for Continuous Trading Hours during Tomb-Sweeping Day Holiday of 2017

FROM: Shanghai Futures Exchange 

TO: All Members 

CC: General Office and Futures Supervision Department of China Securities Regulatory Commission

SUBJECT: Notification on Schedule for Continuous Trading Hours during Tomb-Sweeping Day Holiday of 2017


According to the rules on continuous trading, the Exchange further clarifies the detailed schedule for continuous trading hours during the Tomb-Sweeping Day Holiday as follows: 

There is no continuous trading on the night of March 31st. 

On April 5th, the bidding session time for all futures contracts is 8:55 a.m.—9:00 a.m. The continuous trading will resume on the night of April 5th.

For other provisions concerning continuous trading, please refer to the Continuous Trading Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange. Be sure to remind your clients of the schedule for continuous trading hours to ensure smooth market operation.

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