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Updated on Jan 13,2017

Approval of the Adjusment to the Approved Natural Rubber Storage Capacity

 FROM: The Shanghai Futures Exchange

TO: Tianjin Total Logistics Distribution Co., Ltd.

CC: All Certified Delivery Warehouses for Nature Rubber Futures

SUBJECT: Approval of the Adjusment to the Approved Natural Rubber Storage Capacity



January 13, 2017


This is an official response to your company’s Application for Renovation of No. 10 Warehouse of Tianjin Total Logistics Distribution Co., Ltd. and the Adjustment to its Approved Storage Capacity, and with respect to the Certified Delivery Warehouse Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, you’re hereby notifed of the following:



. Your company has been granted the permission to adjust the approved natural rubber storage capacity from 40,000 tons to 33,000 tons.


Since the date of issuance, your company shall conduct all physical delivery businesses at the certified delivery warehouse for natural rubber futures under the new storage structure as abovementioned, and ensure such businesses be properly done in an orderly manner.


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