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Updated on Apr 20,2016

Approval of CMST Development Co., Ltd’s Application on Changing the Storage Venue of Natural Rubber in Its Tianjin Nancang Division

FROM: Shanghai Futures Exchange

SUBJECT: Approval of CMST Development Co., Ltd’s Application on Changing the Storage Venue of Natural Rubber in Its Tianjin Nancang Division

April 20, 2016

This is an official response to your Application on Changing the Storage Venue of Natural Rubber in your Tianjin Nancang Division, and with respect to the Certified Delivery Warehouse Rules of Shanghai Futures Exchange, you have been granted the approval as follow: 

I. It is permitted to cancel the Natural Rubber Storage Venue in SHFE’S Certified Delivery Warehouse in your Tianjin Nancang Division located at No. 5 Road, Xiaozhan Industrial Park, Jinnan District, Tianjin Municipality. 

II. It is permitted to use the Warehouse No. 2579 as the new Natural Rubber Storage Venue of SHFE’s Certified Delivery Warehouse in your Tianjin Nancing Division located at Yuzhuangzi Road, Tanggu Town, Binhai New District, Tainjin Municipality; 

III. Since the date of issuing this document, you may do businesses in relation to the Certified Natural Rubber Delivery Warehouse under the original maximum storage capacity of 3,000 tons at the new Storage Venue pursuant to applicable rules of the Exchange. You should guarantee the smooth and orderly operation of the Certified Natural Rubber Delivery Warehouse. 

Shanghai Futures Exchange
Date: April 20, 2016
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