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Updated on Dec 17,2015

Approval of the Application for Registration of YS Brand Tin Ingot

 This is an official response to your company’s Report on Application for Registration of Tin Ingot, and with respect to the Rules on Registration of Nonferrous Metals Products for Futures Delivery, following our field inspection, sampling and assaying, your company’s YS brand tin ingotSN99.95AAmeets all requirements as prescribed in the Exchange’s tin contract specifications. Given that, you’re hereby notified of the following:

I. We grant you the permission of YS brand tin ingotSN99.95AAbeing registered with the Exchange, and executed at the standard price.

II. Since the date of issuance, the above-mentioned products shall be applicable to physical delivery against the Exchange’s tin futures contract. The product’s specifications are as below:

Registered Producer: Gejiu Zili Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd.

Place of Origin: Gejiu, Yunnan Province

Product Name: Tin ingot

Trademark: YSSN99.95AA

Brand Logo: (as shown in the figure below)

DimensionApprox. 410*100*100 mm

Weight per PieceApprox. 25 kg

Weight per BundleApprox. 1000 kg

Piece per bundle40 pieces

Minimum Warranted Delivery Size2 tons):Composed of Approx.2 bundles

Packaging Materials: 19 × 1mm PET strap; securely bundled up with 4 vertical straps, 2 horizontal straps and 2 sloping straps.


Executive Standard: GB/T 728-2010


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