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Updated on Mar 20,2015

Notifications on Fees Schedule for Storage of Nickel and Tin Futures


From: Shanghai Futures Exchange
To: All Members and Certified Delivery Warehouses for Non-ferrous Metals Futures
Subject: Notifications on Fees Schedule for Storage of Nickel and Tin Futures
Filing Serial: SQBF [2015] No. 25
March 20, 2015
With respect to the Delivery Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the storage fees for nickel and tin futures are regulated as follows:
Fees schedule for the certified delivery warehouses of the Shanghai Futures Exchange for delivery of   nickel and tin futures 

Storage rent
Storage room
RMB1.25yuan/ton/day for nickel
RMB1.50 yuan/ton/day for tin
Load-in Fee
1.      For dedicated line
RMB 35 yuan/ton
2.      For delivery by non-van-type vehicle
RMB 30 yuan/ton
3.      Self-delivery by van-type vehicleincluding container truck
RMB 40 yuan/ton
Load-out Fee
1.      For dedicated line
RMB 35 yuan/ton
2.      For self-pickup by non-van-type vehicle
RMB 25 yuan/ton
3.      For self-pickup by van-type vehicleincluding container truck
RMB 35 yuan/ton
Filling application for railway wagon on one’s behalf
RMB 5 yuan/ton
Taking and making delivery on one’s behalf
RMB 2 yuan/ton
Packing charges
RMB 40 yuan/ton
Ownership transfer fee
RMB 3 yuan/ton

Any adjustment to the storage fee will be announced by the Shanghai Futures Exchange in due course based on market conditions.
The above regulations come into force from the date of issuance.
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