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Updated on Mar 18,2015

Approval of Registration of Jin Gui Brand Lead Ingot

From: Shanghai Futures Exchange
To: Chenzhou Jingui Silver Industry Co., Ltd.
CC: All Members and Certified Delivery Warehouses for Lead Futures
Subject: Approval of Registration of Jin Gui Brand Lead Ingot
Filing Serial: SQPF [2015] No. 5
March 18, 2015
This is an official response to your company’s Application for Registration with the Exchange of Jin Gui Brand Lead Ingot for Futures Delivery, and with respect to the Rules on Registration of Nonferrous Metals Products for Futures Delivery, following our on-site inspection, sampling and assaying, your company’s Jin Gui brand lead ingot meets all requirements as prescribed in the Exchange’s lead contract specifications. Given that, you’re hereby notified of the following:
. We grant you the permission of the Jin Gui brand lead ingotPb99.994being registered with the Exchange.
. Since the date of issuance, the above-mentioned product shall be applicable to the physical delivery against the Exchange’s lead futures contract. The product’s specifications are as below:
Registered Producer: Chenzhou Jingui Silver Industry Co., Ltd.
Place of Origin: Chenzhou, Hunan Province
Product Name: Lead ingotPb99.994
Trademark: Jin Gui
Brand Logo: (as shown in figure below)
Dimension: Approx. 620*120*80mm
Weight per Piece: Approx. 48 kg
Weight per Bundle: Approx. 1,000kg
Each Bundle: 20 pieces
Minimum Warranted Delivery Size25 tons): Composed of Approx. 25 bundles
Packaging Materials: Bundled up in good conditions and in a double parallel-cross manner using the 1.2×25 mm PET straps. Executive standard: GB/T 469-2005Pb99.994
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