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Updated on Feb 09,2015

Notice on Disqualification from the Certified Delivery Oil Depots for Fuel Oil Futures


FROM: Shanghai Futures Exchange
TO: Shanghai Bailian Petrochemical Logistics Co., Ltd.
CC: All Members and Certified Delivery Depots for Fuel Oil Futures
SUBJECT: Notice on Disqualification from the Certified Delivery Oil Depots for Fuel Oil Futures
FILING SERIAL: SQF [2015] No. 26
February 9, 2015
In accordance with applicable regulations in the Certified Delivery Depots Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (Trial), we hereby determine that given the circumstances you are involved in, as from the issuance of this notice, you are disqualified as the Exchange’s certified delivery depot for fuel oil futures. You shall carry out relevant procedures in strict accordance with the Certified Delivery Depot Agreement of the Shanghai Futures Exchange.
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