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Updated on Dec 31,2014

Approval of Removal of Dongfeng Brand Natural Rubber Products from Registration for Futures Delivery and the Use of Yunxiang Trademark by Four Affiliated Rubber Processors


From: Shanghai Futures Exchange
To: Yunnan Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd.
CC: All Members, Certified Delivery Warehouses for Natural Rubber Futures and Certified Assayers for Natural Rubber
Subject: Approval of Removal of Dongfeng Brand Natural Rubber Products from Registration for Futures Delivery and the Use of Yunxiang Trademark by Four Affiliated Rubber Processors
Filing Serial: SQPF [2014] No. 99
December 31, 2014
This is an official response to your company’s Application for Removal of Dongfeng Brand Natural Rubber Products from Registration for Futures Delivery and the Use of Yunxiang Trademark by 4 Affiliated Rubber Processors [Yunkengi(2014)No.87], and with respect to the Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange on Registration of Domestic Natural Rubber Products for Futures Delivery, we approve your application that meets the requirements of the Exchange as follows:
I. As from the issuance of this document, Dongfeng brand natural rubber products (SCR WF) shall no longer be used for physical delivery against the Exchange’s natural rubber futures contract specifications.
II. We grant you the permission to register with the Exchange the Yunxiang brand natural rubber products (SCR WF) manufactured by the No. 1, No.2, No.3 and No.4 rubber processors affiliated to Xishuangbanna Jingyang Rubber Co., Ltd.. As from the issuance of this document, the above-mentioned products can be used for physical delivery against the Exchange’s natural rubber futures contract specifications.
Appendix: Trademark Information Table of the Four Rubber Processors Affiliated to Yunnan Agricultural Reclamation Xishuangbanna Jingyang Rubber Co., Ltd.

Trademark Information Table of the Four Rubber Processors Affiliated to Yunnan Agricultural Reclamation Xishuangbanna Jingyang Rubber Co., Ltd.

Name of Factory
Registered Trademark
Anti-fake Printing Contents
Dongfeng No.1 Rubber Processing Factory of  Xishuangbanna Jingyang Rubber Co., Ltd.
Pattern of Yunxiang trademark, DF-1
Dongfeng No.2   Rubber Processing Factory  of  Xishuangbanna Jingyang Rubber Co., Ltd.
Pattern of Yunxiang trademark, DF-2
Dongfeng No.3  Rubber Processing Factory of  Xishuangbanna Jingyang Rubber Co., Ltd.
Pattern of Yunxiang trademark, DF-3
Dongfeng No.4  Rubber Processing Factory  of  Xishuangbanna Jingyang Rubber Co., Ltd.
Pattern of Yunxiang trademark, DF-4

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