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Updated on Nov 26,2014

Notice on Trading System Testing


FROM: The Shanghai Futures Exchange
TO: All Members and Market Data Distributors
SUBJECT: Notice on Trading System Testing
FILING SERIAL: SQBF [2014] No. 136
November 26, 2014
The Exchange will conduct a trading system testing on November 29, 2014, and now the relevant issues are announced as follows:
I. Schedule and data preparation
The testing will be held on November 29, 2014 in the following schedule:
(1) 08:55-09:00: Call Auction and matching
(2) 09:00-11:30: Trading testing;
(3) 11:30: End of testing
The testing will adopt the trading data after settlement on November 28, including contract prices, open interests, hedging quotas and client data to simulate the trading on December 1.
II. Communication parameters
The FENS addresses used in the testing are and
III. Testing requirements
The participation by all remote trading seats of the Exchange's Future-firm members and all market data distributors in this testing is required. Seats that cannot participate in the testing shall submit a stamped written statement of their reasons to the Exchange in advance. All participants shall:
1. Read this notice carefully. Do well in system and data backup before the testing, and restore from the backup after the testing so as not to affect the normal operation on the next trading day;
2. Observe the trading for abnormity during the testing;
3. Complete the Shanghai Futures Exchange System Testing Form (see the appendix), scan the form, save it as a PDF file and send it to the Exchange's IT Center via e-mail.
IV. Contact information
Contact the Exchange 's IT Center for any issue related to trading and testing:
After-hour telephone: 021-68400802
Fax: 021-68400385, 021-68401181
Shanghai Futures Exchange System Testing Form

Shanghai Futures Exchange System Testing Form
Member's Information
Membership Number
Contact for Technical System
Technical System Information
System in Use
Kingstar□ Hundsun□ Esunny□ SHFE Technology□ Self-developed□
Others: (Name of Developer)
Offer Machine IP
User Name
Testing Information
Testing Item
Whether the system and data are backed up
Whether the trading is in normal condition
Whether there are other troubles in the testing
Whether the system recovery is in normal condition
Data:                        Completed by:

This form shall be sent to the Shanghai Futures Exchange IT Center at by 12:00 on the first business day following the testing. Thanks for your cooperation.

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