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Updated on Sep 12,2014

Approval of The Application for Registration of“SPCC-ILO” Grade-A Copper Cathode


From: The Shanghai Futures Exchange
To: Southern Peru Copper Corporation
Subject: Approval of The Application for Registration ofSPCC-ILO Grade-A Copper Cathode
Filing Serial: SQPF [2014] No. 75
September 12, 2014
This is an official response to your company’s Report on Application for Registration ofSPCC-ILO Grade-A Copper Cathode, and with respect to the Rules on Registration of Nonferrous Metals Products for Futures Delivery, following our field inspection, sampling and assaying, your company’s SPCC-ILO Grade-A copper cathode brand meets all requirements as prescribed in the Exchange’s copper contract specifications. Given that, you’re hereby notified of the following:
I. We grant your company the approval to register the SPCC-ILO Grade-A copper cathode brand with the Exchange.
II. Since the date of issuance, the above-mentioned product shall be applicable to physical delivery against the Exchange’s copper futures contract. The product’s specifications are as below:
Registered Producer: Southern Peru Copper Corporation
Address of Refinery: IloMoqueguaPeru
Product Name: Grade-A Copper Cathode
Trademark: SPCC-ILO

Brand Logo: (as shown in the figure below)

DimensionApprox. 1020 * 1020 * 20 mm
Weight per PieceApprox. 180kg
Weight per BundleApprox. 3,600kg
Minimum Warranted Delivery Size25tons):Approx. composed of 7 bundles
Packaging Materials:  0.9×32 mm rust-resistant steel strap;

Securely bundled up in a parallel manner (︱︱)

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