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Updated on Sep 27,2013


From: Shanghai Futures Exchange

To: All Members

Filing Serial: SQBF [2013] No. 127

September 23, 2013

  In order for the petroleum bitumen futures market to run smoothly after its launch and with respect to the Trial Rules on Delivery of Bitumen Futures, the Exchange hereby issues the Notice on Businesses Relating to Delivery of Bitumen (henceforth as “bitumen”) as below:

Ⅰ. Minimum quantity of bitumenload-in or load-out of the certified delivery warehouse

The minimum quantify of bitumenload-in or load-out of the certified delivery warehouse is 200 tons.

Ⅱ. Fees items and schedule for the certified delivery warehouse and certified bitumen factory warehouse

1. Storage fee for the certified delivery warehouse is RMB 1.5yuan/ton•day, load-in handling fee RMB 40yuan/ ton, load-out handling fee 0yuan/ton.

2. Storage fee for the certified bitumen factory warehouse is RMB 1.2 yuan/ton•day.

3. Other fees such as port charges, port construction fee and terminal handling charge (THC) will be imposed by the relevant authorities upon consignors as per current fees standard when transporting the bitumen into the warehouse.

4. If owner of a warrant applies to the certified delivery warehouse or certified bitumen factory warehouse for printing the paper warrant, such owner will be charged a printing fee at RMB 100 yuan/page by the warehouse or factory warehouse.

The Exchange will subject the adjustments to fees schedule for the certified delivery warehouse and certified bitumen factory warehouse to market developments, and will issue the corresponding notices in due course.

Ⅲ. The certified delivery warehouse and certified bitumen factory warehouse



  Based on market developments and storage capacities, the Exchange will gradually add the certified Delivery Warehouses and certified bitumen factory warehouse in South China, East China and other regions.

Ⅳ. Designated Quality Assayers

The Exchange’s designated qualityassayers for bitumen futures are the China Certification & Inspection Group Inspection Co., Ltd., the National Quality Inspection Center for Road and Bridge, and the Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center of Ningbo Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau Technical Center of the P.R. China.


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