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Updated on Jan 14,2013

Notification of Approval on Modification to the Registered Trademark and Surface Marker of 15-kg Silver Bullion to the Jiangxi Copper Co,Ltd

S.Q.P.F. [2013] No. 4

January 14, 2013

The Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd.,

We have received the Application for Modification to the Registered Trademark and Surface Marker of 15-kg Silver Bullion submitted by your company. In accordance with the Regulations of the Shanghai Futures Exchange on Registration of Precious Metals for Futures Delivery, the application complies with the Exchange’s requirements. Your company is hereby notified of the following:

I. Your company is granted the permission to change the registered trademark of 15-kg silver bullion from Gui Ye to Jiang Tong; and

II. Your company is granted the permission to start to apply the new registered trademark and surface marker as of February 1, 2013, while the current registered trademark and surface marker shall be terminated of application at the same time.

The Shanghai Futures Exchange

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