To: Yunnan Tin Co.,Ltd.
CC: All SHFE members and designated warehouses(Lead)
We have received your Application for Registration of "YT" Brand Lead Ingot and relevant documents. In accordance with relevant provisions, specifically the Non-ferrous Metal Delivery Product Registration Rules of the shanghai Futures Exchange and upon our on-site inspection and sampling examination, "YT" Brand Lead Ingot produced by your company confirms to all the requirements specified in our standard futures contract for lead. Upon our consideration, you are hereby notified of the following:
1. Your application for registration of "YT" Brand Lead Ingot produced by your company in our exchange has been approved.
2. As of the date of issuance of this Notice, the above product can be delivered for the performance of our standard futures contract for lead. The description of the product is as follows:
Registered Company: Yunnan Tin Co.,Ltd.
Place of origin: Honghe, Yunnan
Product: Lead Ingot (Pb99.994)
Registered Brand: YT
Brand logo: (see the figure below)
Dimension: 595*120*85mm
Weight of ingot: approx. 48 kg
Weight of bundle: approx. 1,200 kg
Bundle per lot: 25 tons/lot
Delivery unit (25 tons): 21 bundles
Packing material: 25*1.2 mm polyester strap, packed in “#”shaped bundles
Implemented standard: GB/T 469-2005(Pb99.994)