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Updated on Sep 05,2012

Notification on Approval of Modification of Registered Lead Producer Name of Henan Jinli Gold and Lead Co,Ltd

Sep. 4, 2012

Henan Jinli Gold and Lead Co., Ltd.:

Your company's Application for Modification of Registered Producer Name has been duly received. Considering that modification of your company's name has already been approved by relevant local administration for industry and commerce as well as in accordance with Administrative Regulations of Shanghai Futures Exchange on Registration of Non-ferrous Metals for Futures Delivery, your company's application complies with all requirements prescribed by the Exchange. Upon our consideration, you're hereby notified of the following:

It has been approved that the former lead producer name registered with the Exchange changed from "Jiyuan Jinli Smelting Co., Ltd." into "Henan Jinli Gold and Lead Co., Ltd."

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