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Updated on Jun 05,2012

Notification on Approval of Sinotrans Eastern Co., Ltd. as Certified Lead, Zinc, Rebar and Wire Rod Futures Backup Delivery Warehouse of Shanghai Futures Exchange

Dated: June 5th, 2012


To Sinotrans Eastern Co., Ltd.,

We’ve received your Application for certified delivery warehouse of Shanghai Futures Exchange. In accordance with relevant regulations, specifically Guidelines for Designated Warehouses of Shanghai Futures Exchange, upon our consideration, Sinotrans Eastern Co., Ltd. has been approved as certified Lead, Zinc, Rebar and Wire Rod Futures backup delivery warehouse of Shanghai Futures Exchange. As of the date of issue of this approval, your company shall fulfill the management and operational preparations for the backup delivery warehouse in accordance with the Agreement on Designated Backup Warehouse of Shanghai Futures Exchange entered into between your company and the Exchange.

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