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Updated on Dec 19,2011

Notification on Approval of Registration of Sinochem Rubber Brand (SCR WF)Sinochem International (Holdings) Co,Ltd

SQPF[2011]No. 99

December 16, 2011

Sinochem International (Holdings) Co., Ltd.,

Applications for Registration and related documents from your company are duly received. In accordance with relevant regulations, specifically Natural Rubber Delivery Product Registration Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Sinochem Rubber Brand of your company complies with all specifications as prescribed in the Natural Rubber Contract of the Exchange after our inspection and audit on registration.

You are hereby notified of the following:

I. Your application for registration of the Sinochem brand natural rubber (SCR WF) at the Exchange has been approved.

II. From the date of this approval, the natural rubber (SCR WF) manufactured by the Jinghong Rubber Plant, Mantang Rubber Plant, and Menglong Rubber Plant of Xishuangbanna Sinochem Rubber Co., Ltd. can be used for physical delivery of the Exchange’s Natural Rubber Contract. Relevant product descriptions are as below:

Registered enterprise: Sinochem International (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Product name: Domestic full latex (SCR WF)

Registered trademark: Sinochem Rubber

Product logo: (as shown below)

Executive standard: GB/T8081-2008(SCR WF)

Two-layer packaging: inner layer is of polyethylene film, outer layer is of polypropylene woven bag


1. Identifications Such As Outer Packing, Steel Seal, and Quality Certificate, etc. of Jinghong Rubber Plant Domestic SCR WF

2. Identifications Such As Outer Packing, Steel Seal, and Quality Certificate, etc. of Mantang Rubber Plant Domestic SCR WF

3. Identifications Such As Outer Packing, Steel Seal, and Quality Certificate, etc. of Menglong Rubber Plant Domestic SCR WF

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