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Updated on Dec 05,2011

Notification on Approval of Modification of Trademark, Specifications and Nameplate of Aluminum of Yunnan Aluminum Co,Ltd

SQPF [2011] No. 97

December 5, 2011

Yunnan Aluminum Co., Ltd.,

We have received your Application for Modification of Yunhai Brand Aluminum Identifications and the relevant documents. In accordance with relevant regulations,specifically Rules of Shanghai Futures Exchange for Registration of Nonferrous Metals for Futures Delivery, The “Yunnan Aluminum” brand aluminum complies with all specifications as prescribed in the standard aluminum contract of the Exchange after our on-site inspection and sampling inspection. Upon our consideration, you are hereby notified of the following:

I. Your application for modification of the trademark of aluminum ingot from “Yunhai” to “Yunnan Aluminum” has been approved, and the product nameplate (see the Appendix) shall be modified accordingly.

II. The original registered specification of 15 kg aluminum can be canceled, while the registered specification of 20 kg aluminum (i.e. 805*180*90mm, 20kg/ingot, 54 ingots/bundle and 23bundles/lot) can be retained.

III The above “Yunnan Aluminum” brand can be used for performance of futures delivery of the Exchange standard aluminum contract as of January 1, 2012, The original “Yunhai” brand aluminum are prohibited from warehousing with new standard warrant prepared; and the established standard warrant can continue to be used for physical delivery.

Appendix: Current and New Products and Nameplates of “Yunnan Aluminum” Brand

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