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Updated on Dec 02,2011

Shanghai Futures Exchange's Reply on Approval of the Addition of Futures Delivery Storage Point by Shanghai Guochu Tianwei Warehouse Co,Ltd

(SQPF [2011] No.96)

Shanghai Guochu Tianwei Warehouse Co., Ltd.,

We are in receipt of the Application for the Establishment of Futures Delivery Warehouse at Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone by Shanghai Guochu Tianwei Warehousing Co., Ltd. (ref. HCTW [2011] No.2). In accordance with relevant regulations, specifically the Management Measures on SHFE Approved Delivery Warehouses as well as the practical situation of your company, a reply is hereby given as follows:

1. We approve of your application for the addition of SHFE non-ferrous metals futures delivery storage point at 68, Hedan Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, with a rated capacity of 20,000 tons of copper (or 6,600 tons of aluminum).

2. Since the release of this Reply, your company shall conduct relevant business at delivery warehouse in accordance with the rated capacity, strictly abide by relevant regulations and continuously strengthen the management in order to ensure the smooth and orderly operation of business activities at the approved delivery warehouse.

Shanghai Futures Exchange

November 25th, 2011

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