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Updated on Nov 01,2011

Notification on Registration of IRKAZ SUAL Brand & RUSAL KH Brand Unalloyed Aluminum Ingots for Remelting (AL99·70)

To: United Company RUSAL PLC (UC RUSAL)

CC: All SHFE members and designated warehouses(Aluminum)

Oct.31, 2011

Applications for Registration and related documents from your company are duly received. In accordance with relevant regulations,specifically Non-

ferrous Metal Delivery Product Registration Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the IRKAZ SUAL Brand & RUSAL KH Brand unalloyed aluminum ingots for

remelting (AL99.70) of your company comply with all specifications as prescribed in the Aluminum Contract of the Exchange after our inspection and audit

on registration.

You are hereby notified of the following:

I. Your application for registration of the IRKAZ SUAL Brand & RUSAL KH Brand unalloyed aluminum ingots for remelting (AL99.70) at the Exchange have been


II. From the date of this approval, the above brands can be used for physical delivery of the Exchange’s Aluminum Contract. Relevant product

descriptions are as below:

Registered Company:United Company RUSAL PLC

Smelter Address:Irkutsk, Russia

(Irkutsk Aluminum Plant, Siberian-Urals Aluminum Company)

Product:Unalloyed aluminum ingots for remelting (AL99.70)

Registered Brand:IRKAZ SUAL

Brand Logo:(see the picture)

Dimension: 740*170*114 mm

Weight per piece: approx. 22 kg

Weight per bundle: approx. 1000 kg

Bundles per lot(25tons/lot):25

Packing materials:Secured with 4 anti-corrosion steel straps (32*1 mm) oriented in 2 dimensions.

Registered Company:United Company RUSAL PLC

Smelter Address:Sayanogorsk, Russia

(RUSAL Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter)

Product:Unalloyed aluminum ingots for remelting (AL99.70)

Registered Brand:RUSAL KH

Brand Logo:(see the picture)

Dimension: 700*153*115 mm

Weight per piece: approx. 22 kg

Weight per bundle: approx. 970 kg

Bundles per lot(25tons/lot):26

Packing materials:Secured with 4 anti-corrosion steel straps (32*1 mm) oriented in 2 dimensions.

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