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Updated on Sep 15,2011

Notification on Approval of Modification of Product Nameplate ofGuangzhou Iron and Steel Co, Ltd

SQPF [2011] No. 80

September 15th, 2011

Guangzhou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.,

We have received your Application for Modification of Product Nameplate of Guangzhou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and relevant documents. In accordance with relevant regulations, specifically rules of Shanghai Futures Exchange for Registration of Steel for Futures Delivery, your company’s hot rolled ribbed bars product nameplate comply with all specifications as prescribed of the Exchange. You are hereby notified of the following:

The new product nameplates (as provided in the Appendix) of your company are allowed to be used from September 19, 2011 and the current product nameplates will cease on the same date.

Appendix: Current and New Nameplates of Wuyang Hot Rolled Ribbed Bars

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