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Updated on Jul 28,2011

Notice of Shanghai Futures Exchange on Trading System Testing

SQBF [2011] No.79

July 28th, 2011

All members and market data vendors,

The Exchange will conduct a tested rehearsal for disaster recovery and switch of trading system as of August 6th, 2011, and now the relevant issues are announced as follows:

I. Schedule and data preparation

The testing will be held on August 6th, 2011 in the following schedule.

  08:55-09:00: auction and matching;

  09:00-10:15: the 1st session continuous trading;

  10:30-11:00: the 2nd session continuous trading;

  11:15-12:00: log-in checks and the end of testing.

The testing will adopt the trading data on the closing of clearing on August 5th, 2011, including contract prices, positions, hedging quotas and client data, for the purpose of simulating the trading on August 8th, 2011.

See Drill Scenarios (Appendix 1 attached hereof) for detailed arrangements.

II. Communication parameters

The Exchange will apply its official trading system to this testing, and relevant communication parameters are made public in the Notice on the Releasing of Access Parameters of Beijing Data Center ( SQJJSZ[2010] No.237),, which are reiterated as follows:  

  All members shall use the FENS mechanism in their trading system to acquire the addresses for the trading and data front-end processors of the Exchange.

  FENS server IP addresses: and for Shanghai Futures Tower Data Center; and for Zhangjiang Data Center; and and for Beijing Data Center.

  TCP port and SSL port of FENS server for trading front-end processor addresses: 4901 and 4911; TCP port and SSL port of FENS server for data front-end processor addresses: 4903 and 4913.

  All members shall add the access network segments of Exchange’s data centers (i.e.,,,, and into the routing lists of relevant hosts and routers. (In particular, the network segments for SHFE trading and data front-end processors include, and, and those for SHFE member service system,, 192.168.13. 0 and )

  Trading front-end processor ports: 33005 and 44305; data front-end processor ports: 33011 and 44311; and member service system ports: 80 and 443. All members shall adjust their firewall configurations correspondingly. It is recommended to set up a firewall security strategy which is opened to the Exchange network segments without any limit on ports, and which also allows the member end to initiate any outgoing connection to all IP addresses in the Exchange’s access network segments while prohibiting any external connection to the network segment of the member end.

  ISDN dial-up access telephone numbers for trading in the Exchange data centers:

  SHFE Tower Data Center: 021-50624530

  Zhangjiang Data Center: 021-38784950

  Beijing Data Center: 010-59091436

Clients can only access the front-end access service of related data center via ISDN dial-up access.

III. Testing requirements

All members and their remote trading terminals and market data vendors of the Exchange shall participate in this testing, and assign relevant technicians to troubleshooting for the whole course. All entities shall confirm the participation of their terminals by submitting a Testing Participation From (Appendix 2 attached hereof) to our IT Center via fax prior to August 4th, 2011(Thursday). 

All participants shall:

  carefully read this notice, fully understand the drilling scenarios in all sessions, and work out a thorough testing plan by contacting respective software suppliers prior to the testing;

  back up the system and data for the recovery subsequent to the testing so as to prevent any adverse impact on the following day trading;

  focus on the phenomena related to the switch of the Exchange communication links, such as the recovery of connection, data loss and the recovery of trading system;

  complete Shanghai Futures Exchange System Testing Form (Appendix 3 attached hereof) and sent it to the Exchange IT Center via e-mail;

  take part in the process, check the data feeding following the switch of the Exchange communication links, and prevent any adverse impact on the following day trading with proper data filtration (for market data vendors only).

IV. Contact information

Contact the Exchange IT Center for any issue related to trading, network and testing:

After-hours telephone number: 86-21-68400802;


Fax:86-21-68400385, 86-21-68401181



1. Drilling Scenarios;

2. Testing Participation From;

3. Shanghai Futures Exchange System Testing Form

Shanghai Futures Exchange

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