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Updated on Jul 25,2011

Notice on Adjusting the Calculation Formula for Transaction Fees

SQBF[2011] No.73

July 25, 2011

All members,

The Exchange plans to start using the new clearing system as of August 1, and the calculation formula for transaction fees will be adjusted as follows:

Calculation Formula for Transaction Fees of New Clearing System

1. According to the standards of transaction fees of various in futures contracts, the transaction fees shall be calculated on each transation deal and subject to the principle of rounding off;

2. Ggenerate the transaction fees payable on the basis of contracts, products and members following the basis of the above procedures.

For the convenience of verification between the data in member clearing system and released by the Exchange, we hereby present to you the calculation formula for transaction fees of the original clearing system for reference and comparison.

The Calculation Formula for Transaction Fee of Original Clearing System

1. Calculate the trading volume and turnover on the basis of contracts of a client on the current date, then figure out the corresponding transaction fees in accordance with standards of transaction fees of futures contracts, and the corresponding transaction fees shall be rounded to generate the transaction fee payable of such client;

2. Collect and generate the transaction fees payable on the basis of contracts, products and members following the above procedures.

Please consult the IT Center of the Exchange for queries and details.

Telephone number of IT Center: 86-21-68400802

Fax of IT Center: 86-21-68400385, 86-21-68401181

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