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Updated on Feb 18,2009

Notification on Registration of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile’s (CODELCO) ENM Brand Copper Cathode

To: All SHFE members and designated warehouses(copper),

February 16th, 2009

Approved by SHFE,Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile’s (CODELCO) ENM Brand copper cathode has been registered for SHFE copper delivery.

Company:Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile’s (CODELCO)

Refinery: Ventanas(Chile)

(Ventanas Division, Carretera F 30-E.N058270, Las Ventanas, Comuna Puchuncavi. V Region, Chile)

Product: Copper Cathode (Cu-CATH-1)

Registered brand:ENM

Brand Logo:(see the picture)

External Size: 960*980*14 mm

Weight per piece: Approximately 115 kg

Weight per bundle:Approximately 2300 kg

Bundles per lot(25tons/lot):11

Packing materials: Secured with no less than 2 steel straps oriented in single dimension.

Hereby notify the above.

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