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Updated on Jun 18,2008

The 5th Shanghai Derivatives Market Forum

Stable and sound development of China’s steel market requires futures market functions to be fulfilled

――Luo Bingsheng, Executive Vice Chairman, China Iron & Steel Association

To summarize experiences, understand conditions, accelerate development and endeavour to obtain more achievements――Wang Lihua, Chairman, Shanghai Futures Exchange

NYMEX global leading exchange with innovation, lower risks and market transparency

――Lucy Zhang, Director of Asia Marketing, NYMEX

Overview of TOCOM

――Ryoichi Seki,Vice President,International Affairs Section,TOCOM

Current development and future prospects for China’s gold industry

――Hou Huiming, Vice Chairman, China Gold Association

Analysis of global gold supply and demand and price forecast for 2008

――Philip Klapwijk, Chairman, GFMS

Analysis on Gold price breaking the historic high

――Wang Yu, Division Chief, Foreign Exchange and Gold Markets Division, Financial Markets Department, People’s Bank of China

Investing gold to avoid international economic risks

――Sunil Kashyap, Managing director of Asia region, the Bank of Nova Scotia

World economy, US exchange rate and gold prices

――Luke Lu, Senior Vice-President of Asia resource banking department,Standard Bank

Development of China’s derivatives market

――Wang Zhonghui, Chairman, Jingyi Holding Group CO., LTD

Global political and economic conditions and trends in the petroleum market

――Chen Fengyin, Director, Institute of World Economic Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

Analysis of international petroleum market trends

――Shan Weiguo,Director,Economics and Technology Research Center, CNPC

Oil Price and Market Outlook

――Steve Terry, Head of Research, Vitol Services Ltd

Current status of China’s rubber industry and prospects

――Ju Hongzhen, Chairman, China Rubber Industry Association

Development concepts of Yunnan natural rubber industry

――Yang Yanping, Secretary of the Party committee、Chairman, Yunnan State Farms Group Co., Ltd

Development concepts of Hainan natural rubber industry

――Wang Yixin, Chairman of Hainan Natural Rubber Association; Bureau Chief of Hainan State Farms Bureau; CEO、President of Hainan Natural Rubber Industry Group Co., Ltd

Production of natural rubber in Thailand and forecast

――Luckhai Kittipol, President, Thai Rubber Association

Production of natural rubber in Indonesia and forecast

――SUHARTO HONGGOKUSUMO, Executive Director, Rubber Association of Indonesia

New features of trade patterns of natural rubber in China and relevant thoughts

――Li Xuetao, Assistant President/General Manager of Rubber Business Center, Sinochem International Corporation

Designing of rubber index futures and its operation

――Masato Izumo, Deputy General Manager of Market Operation Division, Central Japan Commodity Exchange

The impact of sub-prime crisis on international rubber prices

――Tetsu Emori, Fund Manager, ASTMAX Co., Ltd., Japan

Influence of Growing Demand and Price Forecast in 2008

――Shoichi Inoue, General Manager, International Division Overseas Business Department,OKACHI & Co. Ltd

How does world economy influence base metals markets?

―― Luca Silipo, Managing Director, Research, Natixis

Development Forecast of China’s Non-ferrous Metals Industry under the Current Economic Situation

――Jia Mingxing, Vice Chairman, China Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association

Copper markets: in a retrospective and prospective view

――John Kemp, Chief Economist, RBS Sempra Metals

Aluminum markets: in a retrospective and prospective view

――Paul Robinson, Group Manager, Non-ferrous Metals, CRU

Zinc and lead: blooming or glooming?

――Huw Roberts, CHR

Analysis of bulk metal commodity as an asset class in investment portfolios management

――Jeremy Goldwyn, Head of Business Development for the Asia Pacific Region,Sucden

Pricing of metal-related structured products

――Jiang Han, Deutsche Bank

Analysis of the prospects for the China petroleum futures market

――Yang Jianlong, Director, Office of the Ministry of Industry, State Council Development Center

Energy (Oil) Risk Management-Best Practices

――Sean Yang, Senior Quantitative Analyst,BP(Houston)

Price Risk Management for the Fuel Oil Enterprise

――Zhou Yibing. General Manager, Guangzhou Twinace Petroleum and Chemicals Co., Ltd

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