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Updated on Mar 17,2005

Korean Stockpile Officials Attend Workshop By SHFE

Five officials of Korean Public Procurement Service attended a one-week training workshop at SHFE. The purpose of this workshop is for the trainee to get an understanding of China’s futures market development and the trading rules, transaction basics, contracts and products, regulations on settlement and risk management.

It is the first workshop of the kind. Compared to the previous out-bound training, this workshop which is targeted at the overseas trainee, is reflective of the fact that the healthy growth and impact of China’s futures market has received the increasing attention of international government agencies and organizations.

Korean Public Procurement Services was founded in 1940s. It administers the public procurement and stockpile. It is responsible to purchase copper, aluminum, natural rubber and rare metals. Public Procurement Service is the first Korean government agency that hedges on futures market and has promoted the idea of futures trading tremendously.

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