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China Securities Journal: SHFE Held Certified Delivery Warehouse and Testing Institutes Work Conference 2017

Updated on Nov 10,2017


China Securities Journal: SHFE Held Certified Delivery Warehouse and Testing Institutes Work Conference 2017

Reported by Ma Shuang

The Certified Delivery Warehouse and Testing Institutes Annual Work Conference 2017 was held in Xiamen on November,9. Shanghai Futures Exchange (“SHFE”) held this Work Conference in a bid to conscientiously learn the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and thoroughly implement the “Three-pronged Tasks” of the National Financial Work Conference as well as the deployment of the CSRC Party Committee. The main theme of the conference is to “Upgrade the Core Competitiveness in Modern Logistics Sector through Looking back in Retrospect, Future Planning, Risk Prevention and Innovative Development”. Centering around the tenet of serving the physical economy, the conference allowed the Exchange, certified delivery warehouses and testing institutes to make concerted efforts, think about the long term and actively explore the future orientation for delivery and the development path for certified delivery warehouse, after summarizing the experience on the delivery in the past. Jiang Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Board of Directors of SHFE, attended the conference and delivered a speech. Teng Jiawei, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of SHFE, was also present at the conference.

Jiang Yan pointed out that this year is not only a remarkable year for the Party to held the 19th National Congress successfully, but also a critical year for SHFE to fulfil the second Five-year Plan and open up the third Five-year Plan. Adhering to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Exchange shall firmly implement the spirit of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and center around its fundamental tenet to enhance the capability of serving the physical economy through financial market and facilitate the healthy growth of multi-layered capital market. In accordance with its basic thought of planning for the future with world view, establishing rules with international standards, and highlighting characteristics with local advantages, the Exchange shall forge ahead into the long-term goal of building the world first class exchange by giving full play to its political, resource and regional advantages. With regard to delivery business, we shall adopt all-round considerations and arrangements for the development of the Exchange and certified delivery warehouses as a whole, and conduct the regulation lawfully, thoroughly and tightly. Jiang also stressed that certified delivery warehouses shall conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, improve the political positions and realize “four-adherence”: firstly, it is adhere to serving the physical economy; secondly, it is adhere to keeping up the risk prevention; thirdly, it is adhere to maintaining the group image of certified delivery warehouse; and finally, it is adhere to taking the innovation as the inexhaustible driving source of development.

According to Teng Jiawei, the delivery business of SHFE has provided reliable guarantee and laid a solid foundation for the steady operation and functioning of the futures market for the previous 5 years. He pointed out that under new situations, the management of delivery warehouses and testing institutions shall follow the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and thoroughly implement the “Three-pronged Tasks” of by the National Financial Work Conference in a bid to put the service awareness throughout the whole process of delivery by summing up experience seriously, sticking to problem orientation and deepening the service for physical economy. We shall also facilitate the effective functioning of futures market by strengthening the self-regulatory duties, keeping the bottom line of systematic-risk-free and refining the delivery procedures, and effectively upgrade the delivery efficiency through optimizing the infrastructure construction, propelling the modernization of delivery regulatory means and streamlining the operational flows.

The conference attracted about 260 representatives from certified delivery warehouses and testing institutes, during which some representatives exchanged their views about the operation of delivery warehouse and futures planning, and participated in panel discussions. Representatives all said that they will deeply study and earnestly learn the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the requirements raised at the National Conference on Financial Work, and conduct the futures warehousing operations in strict accordance with relevant guidelines of CSRC and the delivery management rules of the Exchange. On the premise of firmly keeping the bottom line of systematic-risk-free, they will continuously upgrade the professional core competitiveness and jointly facilitate the futures market to better serve the physical economy by learning the advanced operational modes, building up state-of-the-art infrastructure and focusing on the consolidation of advantages and improvement of disadvantages.

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