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Securities Daily: SHFE Conscientiously Learning Spirit of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Updated on Oct 29,2017

 Securities Daily: SHFE Conscientiously Learning Spirit of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which has attracted worldwide attention, solemnly started on October 18, 2017. The Party Committee of Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) attached great importance to the promotion and study of the spirit of the 19th National Congress as an important political task, made an overall organization and arrangement, took the lead in learning and modeling, regarded full coverage as a requirement and promote SHFE to publicize, lean and understand the spirit of the 19th National Congress at first time.

On the morning of October 18, when the 19th CPC National Congress was started, SHFE Party Committee organized Party Committee members, middle-level cadres and 20 party branch members watched the opening ceremony of the congress and the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping. In the afternoon SHFE Party Committee and more than 300 party members joined in the study of the center group (expanded) for theoretical study of the Party Committee. Shanghai Party School experts were invited to give special guidance on "CPC's Endeavors and Contemporary Enlightenment", which opened the prelude for all members of SHFE to study, promote and implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and warmed up the special education for "Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind". On October 25, after the 19th CPC National Congress was successfully concluded, SHFE Party Committee re-convened a study by the central group and at first time learned the Communiqué of the National Congress and discussed and learned the experience of the spirit of the national congress combined with practical work.

In addition, according to the deployment and requirements of SHFE Party Committee, 20 party branches and 27 departments (subsidiaries) of SHFE organized special study and discussion on the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress through various means such as party branch organizational life meetings, departmental regular meetings and WeChat micro-party schools. The topic of studying the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress was also added at the second meeting of the third council held on October 26.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a meeting of great importance taking place during the decisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and at a critical moment as socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered anew era. The conference raised the banner for the new era and guided the voyage with new thoughts. The report made by Comrade Xi Jinping to the CPC National Congress scientifically analyzed the current national conditions and major contradictions, put forward a series of new important concepts, important points of view, development concepts and development strategies, elaborated comprehensively and profoundly the essence and rich implications of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and exercised overall leadership. It is profound in thought, rich in implications and inspiring, and has aroused enthusiastic response in the majority of party members and cadres.

Comrade Jiang Yan, SHFE Party Secretary, said that General Secretary of CPC stated that the original aspiration and the mission of Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. The work of futures market can't be separated from original aspiration and the mission. We shall fasten the hedges, prevent risks, safeguard the principle of "Honest, Justice, Public", protect the rights and interests of investors and safeguard the pursuit of happiness for the people. We shall organize the market stably and orderly, give play to the market function, serve the industry properly, strive to build a world-class exchange and contribute to national rejuvenation.

Comrade Jiang Yan believes that General Secretary's proposal that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. It is a question worth considering for SHFE how to stick closely to new contradictions, seize new opportunities and embark on a new journey. Firstly, look forward. As the trading organizer, first line supervisor and guardian of order, we constantly improve our political positions and learn to understand the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, consciously understand and grasp our work in the overall situation of the Party and the state, further enhance our sense of responsibility and mission and think proactively. In this way we are more proactive in carrying out the work. A fine horse dashes without a horsewhip. An atmosphere of keeping on working with great determination and striving to go ahead will be formed. Secondly, address inadequacies. We align the working methods and thinking to the new concept of development, align our work development and ability to the world first-class exchange, find the inadequacies and exert forces centrally. Thirdly, shore up points of weakness. The next five years is the decisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and a new phase of starting a new undertaking in SHFE. We implement the spirit of the CPC National Congress in compliance with the strategic plan for SHFE development in the next five years, adhere to the unity of party building, team and business and strive to turn the disadvantages into aggressiveness and then into a winning advantage.

The Party members from SHFE No.6 Party Branch and the Information Management Department said that the General Secretary's report made several references to digital economy and digital China, which is a strong confidence support and a guide to action for our information-based digital application. We will strive to build a "digital exchange" so as to enable SHFE to acquire "digital capabilities" that can resist, discover and eliminate risks.

The Party members from SHFE No.9 Party Branch and the Derivatives Department said that the new description of the principal contradiction facing Chinese society put forward by the 19th CPC National Congress was impressive because they deeply feel the huge differences between the first-tier cities and poor districts and counties in the process of conducting research on the "Insurance + Futures" project. When promoting the "Insurance + Futures" targeted poverty alleviation projects and using financial instruments to solve the imbalanced and inadequate development, we will certainly bear in mind the founding aspiration of serving the real economy and benefiting agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

The Party members from SHFE Energy Center Branch said that China strives to build a community with a shared future for mankind and walks into the center of the world stage, so we are very proud of being Chinese, which also encourages us to work hard to promote the construction of China's crude oil futures market play our role as bridges linking the China with the world and promote the futures market to the center of the world stage.

The staff from SHFE Supervision Department said that General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly mentioned “remain true to our original aspiration” in his report many times. As SHFE staff and supervisory system workers we also should remain true to our original aspiration and play a role in maintaining social stability and market prosperity.

The staff of First Department of Commodity in SHFE said that as the core of the modern economy the financial industry should play an important role in resolving the "contradictions between the imbalances and the inadequate development”. We regard the requirements of enhancing the economic capability of financial service entities as our work guide, fully understand the current situation and needs of enterprises and take effective measures to provide enterprises with more diversified and convenient risk management and hedging instruments.

The SHFE Party Committee called for the whole company to continue to focus on the major political task of publicizing and learning the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, improve the level of learning, learn the original text in combination with practical situations based on the post, think and understand when learning. We must unify the thought and acts to the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, conscientiously implement the requirements of serving the real economy, preventing and controlling financial risks and deepening financial reform, and becoming the pioneers of a new journey in a new era.

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