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Home / Circular & News / News Shanghai Futures Exchange Studied and Implemented Keynotes of National Financial Work Conference and Midyear Supervision Work Symposium of National Securities and Futures Supervision Sectors

Updated on Aug 01,2017 Shanghai Futures Exchange Studied and Implemented Keynotes of National Financial Work Conference and Midyear Supervision Work Symposium of National Securities and Futures Supervision Sectors

Updated on: August 1, 2017

On July 31, 2017, Shanghai Futures Exchange (referred to as “SHFE”) held Midyear Work Conference to thoroughly convey and implement keynotes of National Financial Work Conference and Midyear Supervision Work Symposium of National Securities and Futures Supervision Sectors, place priority over annual key tasks, carry out summary and deployment, make good use of new driving force instead of old driving force, seize the development opportunities, ensure stability and security, and celebrate victorious advent of the CPC Nineteenth National Congress. Jiang Yan (Secretary of the CPC SHFE Committee and Board Chairman of SHFE) presided over this conference. Leadership team members and all the middle-level cadres of SHFE attended.

Keynotes of National Financial Work Conference and Midyear Supervision Work Symposium of National Securities and Futures Supervision Sectors were conveyed. According to Midyear Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at National Financial Work Conference takes strategic and overall perspective, presents in-depth insights into current situations and tasks of China’s financial industry, profoundly elaborates the guiding ideology, important principles and top priorities for fulfilling financial work under the New Normal of economic development, makes comprehensive arrangements for financial work in the current period and the near future, embodies strong strategic, forward-looking and instructive features, and serves as programmatic document for doing a good job in financial work under the new situation. Midyear Supervision Work Symposium of National Securities and Futures Supervision Sectors closely revolves around studying and implementation of keynote of National Financial Work Conference, and points out to fulfill basic requirements of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on the economic work in the second half of this year, plan for subsequent emphases of securities and futures supervision work, implement new development concept, give higher priority over taking the initiative to guard against and resolve the systemic financial risks, ensure the sound operation of the capital market and steady progress in various reforms, and make overall planning for development strategies and reform initiatives of capital market in the short term, the middle term and the long term. According to Midyear Work Conference, conveying and studying keynotes of both two important national conferences are aimed to gain in-depth understanding of the requirements and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC SHFE Committee, and firmly put requirements and plans into practice so as to uphold core leadership, make efforts towards right direction, grasp principal work, and promote the work progress down to earth.

As advocated by Midyear Work Conference, all members of SHFE should effectively achieve united ideas and actions to profoundly study and implement the plans of National Financial Work Conference and Midyear Supervision Work Symposium of National Securities and Futures Supervision Sectors, exert three-pronged efforts for contribution to real economy, prevention and control of financial risks and deepening of financial reform, and guarantee rigorous implementation of decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and China Securities Regulatory Commission for reform and development of capital market and development of futures market supervision.

As stressed by Midyear Work Conference, creation of favorable atmosphere for the CPC Nineteenth National Congress is the most important and most serious political task in the current period and the near future. SHFE should effectively stand firm on the political stance, strengthen the leadership of the CPC, insist on stability first, keep clear-headed, maintain anchoring force, give higher priority over taking the initiative to guard against and resolve the systemic financial risks, constantly enhance the responsibility awareness of front-line supervision, and ensure smooth operation of market and work safety of SHFE. National Financial Work Conference and Midyear Supervision Work Symposium of National Securities and Futures Supervision Sectors pinpoint the direction for subsequent development of capital market. SHFE should further reinforce sense of mission, sense of responsibility and sense of honor, constantly strengthen “Four Consciousnesses”, always make ideology, politics and action highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee headed by Xi Jinping as the core, constantly follow overall work keynote of seeking improvement in stability, spare no effort to improve the quality of contribution to the real economy, strive for national strategy and the general situation of reform and opening up, present excellent supervision skills, solid business skills and radiating work enthusiasms, take the initiative to seize opportunities, successfully fulfill annual work tasks in orderly manner, and pay tribute to victorious advent of the CPC Nineteenth National Congress with outstanding achievements of SHFE!

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