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Futures Daily: Shanghai Futures Exchange Organized Enterprise-oriented Specialized Hedging Training in Qingdao

Updated on Jul 06,2017


Futures Daily: Shanghai Futures Exchange Organized Enterprise-oriented Specialized Hedging Training in Qingdao

Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) held the 3rd term of enterprise-oriented specialized hedging training in Qingdao between July 4 and July 5, 2017. SHFE Party Secretary and Chairman Jiang Yan and Director Zhang Wenxin of Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau attended the training and made a speech.

Jiang Yan said that SHFE had always been committed to playing the role of futures market and deepening the relationship between futures market and industries through serving entities. SHFE would continue to uphold the goal of building a world-class exchange. Based on the fundamental purpose of serving the real economy, it would continuously improve the efficiency of market operation, enhance the ability of futures market to serve the real economy and make all the work reach a new level.

Zhang Wenxin said that Qingdao had superior natural conditions, port advantages and trading and storage environment. As a pilot wealth management-themed comprehensive financial reform zone approved by the State Council, Qingdao would further support the development of the capital market and support the diversified allocation of commodity assets by wealth management institutions, and it was willing to build bridges between the wealth management industry and the commodity futures market.

This training was jointly hosted by the Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Securities & Futures Association of Qingdao and SHFE and co-organized by CITIC Securities and CITICS Futures. 14 experts in various fields of the futures industry delivered a speech on macro economy, futures market innovation and development, hedging cases and system architecture of entities, hedging accounting application and other topics. More than 150 industry client representatives, futures business practitioners and institutional investor representatives from over 90 enterprises participated in the training.

The journalist of Futures Daily learned that SHFE started to hold enterprise-oriented specialized hedging training since 2016. Based on the original intention of "high standard and strict management", it conducts in-depth survey in entities and futures firms to collect their needs, extensively invites well-known lecturers in the industry to give industry-leading high-level lectures that are required by enterprises and close to the market, and invests a lot of human and materials resources in the two-day closed training. The training receives favorable comment from market participants after launched, and there is enormous registration. To meet the market demand, it is held every 2 to 3 months, and seven terms have been held so far. Participants generally think that training is characterized by rich and practical content and a strong and professional faculty. They have broadened their horizons and enhanced their understanding of futures market as an important risk management tool for enterprises through exchanges with experts and industry peers.

The relevant person in charge of SHFE said that SHFE would continue to expand the breadth and depth of serving the real economy, popularize the successful experience of enterprise-oriented hedging training, strengthen cooperation with Securities Regulatory Bureaus, Futures Association and other institutions, organize regional hedging training and carry out multi-form and multi-level investor education activities to better serve the market. 

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