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China Securities Journal:SHFE Ehances Four Consciousnesses and Maintains Smooth Market Operation

Updated on Feb 20,2017

 China Securities Journal:SHFE Ehances Four Consciousnesses and Maintains Smooth Market Operation

DateFeb. 20, 2017

 Contributed by Guan Pin, Journalist from China Securities Journal

Recently the Shanghai Futures Exchange has held a (expanded) learning conference for its Party committee center group, the purpose of which is to timely communicate the spririts of 2017 Nationwide Securities and Futures Regulation Conference, and to carefully learn the important speech by Chairman Liu Shiyu. An active learnig and lively disscusion among SHFE’s party committee teams and middle-level management personnel from each department has unfolded by centering acround the spirits of speech by Chairman Liu and combining the actual situations of the Exchange.    

According to SHFE’s party committee, the 2017 Nationwide Securities and Futures Regulation Conference was an important meeting held in the context of new developments of China’s capital market. The requirements raised in this conference are to comprehensively strengthen the Party discipline and regulatory discipline, put risk in a more prominent position, and to focus more on deepening the comprehensive regulation according to law. Especially in his imporant speech themed on “Continuing the efforts to Enhance Four Consciousnesses and Faciliate the Stable Development of Capital Market in an Coordinated Way by Strictly Following the Principle of Making Progress while Maintaining Stability”, Chairman Liu clearly put forward his ideas on “Six Stabilities and Six Intensifications” in both reform and development of capital market, which are characterized by his farsightedness and far-reachingness, thus having an important guiding significance to the coordinated propelling of capital market’s stable development and regulatory works in each sector.              

SHFE’s party committee pointed out that the Exchange was required by CSRC’s party committee to comprehensively put into practice the spirits of the 18th CPC National Congress and the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, deepen the study of the spirites of important speech by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China as well as the study of his new concepts, ideas and strategies on the governance of China, and further strenthen Four Consciousnesses especially in terms of the Core and the Line, so as to deepen the performance of main body responsibitlity for comprehensively strengthening the Party disicipline, and never slaken in strengthening the construction of the Party's working style and a clean & honest administration. The party committee stressed that first pirority shall be given to comprehensively strengthening the Party dicipline when encounting and solving any problems, while the cadres across the Exchange shall fully carry out the principle of Two Duties for One Post
this is to say, Assuming the Responsibilities for both Party works and operational businesses especially when it comes to the repsonsibility upon the shoulders of secretary of the CPC branch, so as to give full paly to the role of the CPC branch as fighting bastions.                     


SHFE’s party committee is fully aware that in the context of the increasingly complicted internal and external landscape of capital market operation and the hardly-to-be-stable global financial markets, in 2017, the Exchange shall practically fullfill the requirements by CSRC on comprehensively strengthening the regulatory discipline according to law, strictly keeping the bottom line of systematic-risk-free, and firmly grasping the keynote of making progress while maintaining stability, so as to achieve the goal of the Party taking care of big picture, putting up a safety fence, preventing risks, greater capacity, quick reponse and promoting development.                


Finally, Jiang Yan, secretary of SHFE’s committee party required that all cadres across the Exchange repeatedly learn and have a deep understanding of the spirites of speech by Chairman Liu, and communicate them, level by level, to each employee of the Exchange and its susidaries, and to all subjects and units in the market that share a close working tie with the Exchange. As a doer, the Exchange will properly press ahead with each work in 2017, so as to embrace the successful 19th CPC National Congress with excellent performance.

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