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China Securities Journal: Shanghai Futures Exchange Held “7th Five-year Plan” Law Publicity Implementation and Mobilization Meeting

Updated on Dec 12,2016


China Securities Journal: Shanghai Futures Exchange Held 7th Five-year Plan” Law Publicity Implementation and Mobilization Meeting

Reported by Guan Ping, Journalist of China Securities Journal

On December 9, Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) held “7th Five-year Plan” Law Publicity Implementation and Mobilization Meeting, and officially published the Law Publicity and Education “7th Five-year Plan” of Shanghai Futures Exchange to the market. Ye Chunhe, member of the Party Committee and the Vice General Manager of SHFE as well as Jin Wenzhong, the President of Shanghai Futures Association attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

Ye Chunhe pointed out in the speech that, during “6th Five-year Plan” Law Publicity, under the guidance of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), SHFE closely focused on the fund market development requirements and objectives for “12th Five-year Plan” period, and deeply carried out the law publicity and education. Within five years, it has cooperate with CSRC in the legal governance work of cities; besides, SHFE has also constantly established and perfected the leading mechanism and working mechanism, deeply promoted the legal construction of futures market, and obtained positive achievements.

Ye Chunhe emphasized that, to implement “7th Five-year Plan” Law Publicity Plan, it is requested to realize “four-adherence”; firstly, it is to adhere to talking the important series of speech spirits of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the guidance, and solidly promoting law publicity and education. Secondly, it is to adhere to focusing on the center, and serving the overall situation, and meanwhile, placing law publicity education in the overall situation of futures market construction, and providing a good legal environment for the stable and robust development of futures market. Thirdly, it is to adhere to combining law publicity and education with law practice, and paying attention to carrying forward legal spirits in law practice. It is requested to combine the law publicity and education work with the self-construction of the exchange and the self-discipline supervision wok, and meanwhile, integrate law publicity and education in legal service and market innovation. Fourthly, it is to adhere to classified guidance, highlighting key points, and using the law abiding of leading cadres to drive the entire institution and the entire market to abide by laws. Meanwhile, it has enriched the law publicity education mode, and reinforced the pertinence and effectiveness of law publicity and education work.

Jin Wenzhong pointed out that, “7th Five-year Plan” Law Publicity is an important work, and the trade association shall carefully seize “three-highlight” in combination with the law publicity: The first one is to highlight key points, and regard the study and publicity of constitution as a long-term political task; The second one is to highlight key objects, and especially emphasize on encouraging the leaders of each member unit to take lead in setting examples; The third one is to highlight key activities, and reinforce the effectiveness of law publicity.

About 180 persons, including the personnel of Shanghai futures industry and the investors of all circles participated in the meeting.

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