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Shanghai Financial News: Shanghai Futures Exchange’s Futures Auditorium in Shaoyang

Updated on Dec 25,2015

 Shanghai Financial News: Shanghai Futures Exchange’s Futures Auditorium in Shaoyang

Updated on: December 25, 2015

Reported by Li Qian, Journalist from Shanghai Financial News

Recently, Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) headed for Shaoyang, Hunan Province to give trainings on futures. The effort was joined by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) – Hunan Branch, Hunan Futures Industry Association and Shaoyang Finance Office. The training venues were found in Shaoyang Municipal Party School (around 200 trainees from the School's Class for Advanced Studies of City Management Cadres, and Advanced Studies of Youth Cadres) and Shaoyang University (around 100 trainees).

In Shaoyang Municipal Party School, starting from the relationship between futures market and national economy, lecturers elaborated, by quoting real cases, on the functions of the futures market, the roles of futures and its derivatives, to guide trainees to correctly understand the role of futures tools in corporate risk management. In combination with cases of futures company’s risk management over its subsidiary’s serving real enterprises, lecturers dissected multiple business modes of financial industry assisting real enterprises risk management under the new economic normal. The lectures also included contents as to how to protect investors, e.g. how to avoid commodity futures trading risks and how to prevent investment fraud.     

In Shaoyang University’s classroom, lecturers briefed students the development of futures industry with focus placed on talent requirement of the futures industry during the economic transformation period. Lecturers unfolded a development path for the university students, encouraging them to work hard now and get ready for the future. With the introduction to exchanges, lecturers meant to encourage students to go in for the futures industry as a profession.

According to information, Futures Auditorium is SHFE’s universal type of investors’ education platform. In joint efforts with all regulatory departments and professional institutes, SHFE holds series of futures lectures and training sessions to popularize the audience and the society, futures basic knowledge, futures basic concept, futures’ market function and role, educate investors to protect themselves, introduce risk management platform and tools to government and enterprise decision-makers. Attract excellent talents into the futures industry and amplify futures industry’s popularity and influence is another aim of this Auditorium. 

According to information, “Futures Auditorium in Hunan” series has seen its fifth sessions recently. The venues of these sessions were Hunan Provincial Party School, and Party School of Yueyang, Xiangtan and Binzhou Municipal Party Committee as well as university campuses. The lectures were well received by party member trainees and university students. SHFE will continue to enhance cooperation with regulatory authorities, futures industry associations and finance offices of all places by ways of thematic lectures, professional trainings and comprehensive services, to make it a periodical and education program for investors, as effort to maintain enhanced support to real economy in depth and width.


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