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Futures Daily: 3rd Futures and Derivatives Market International Conference Held in Shanghai

Updated on Nov 03,2014


By Zhang Fan
The 3rd Futures and Derivatives Market International Conference – the 1st Shanghai Futures and Derivatives Market Meeting, which was jointly organized by the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) and Shanghai Institute of Futures and Derivatives (SIFD), was held in Shanghai lately. Yang Maijun, President and CEO of the SHFE, said at the conference that the SHFE has made remarkable achievements over the past one year, and lately it won the “Annual Best China Futures Exchange” issued by “Futures & Options World” magazine (FOW). Next, the SHFE will keep deepening the reform and innovation, enriching and improving product series, and strengthening the futures market’s capacity and level of serving the real economy in wider scope and deeper level.
Yang Maijun said that the Futures and Derivatives Market International Conference has set up a platform and channel for domestic and overseas experts and scholars to deeper understand and research China’s futures market and to learn advanced international theoretical methods. The conference will further deepen the cooperation and exchange among domestic and overseas scholars, promote the development of research in China’s futures and derivatives market, and urge them to make deeper study in the existing problems of Chinese and foreign futures and derivatives markets, so as to more accurately grasp the development direction.
Yang Maijun also said that “strengthening the construction of a new think tank with Chinese characteristics” is the latest requirement raised by General Secretary Xi Jinping toward the talent training and construction in China under the current circumstance at the 6th session of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform. SIFD, organizer of the conference and the think tank geared to the whole China’s futures industry, will continue to promote the construction of the theoretical system of China’s futures and derivatives, guide the market innovation, reform, and development with theoretical innovation, and gather and cultivate high-level talents in the futures industry, so as to offer intellectual support for China’s futures market construction.
The theme of the conference is “complexity and coping strategy of derivatives market”. At the conference, both Chinese and foreign experts have presented excellent speeches. Professor Veronesi, candidate of the 2013 Nobel Economics Prize, explained the influence of political uncertainty on option prices and the mapping of option prices’ fluctuation on political volatility, and illustrated the relation between option prices and company’s credit spread through model data by centering on the theme of “Hidden Information in Option Prices”. Li Jian’ge, Chairman of Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd., proposed the problems that should be urgently solved for the innovative development of the current futures and derivatives industry, as well as other policy suggestions.
The conference has attracted the participation of nearly 100 excellent scholars from China, America, Britain, Korea, Hong Kong, and other countries and regions, as well as nearly 200 persons from the China Securities Regulatory Commission, exchanges, futures companies, banks, and securities traders.
74 excellent theses (36 are written in Chinese and English) have been selected from hundreds of contributed thesis, and discussions have been conducted in terms of 15 themes, including commodity futures, index, macro-economy, trading strategy, and trading mechanism. The conference will publish the selected theses according to the international academic accreditation method, so as to further strengthen the understanding on China’s futures and derivatives market.
It is learnt that excellent English theses will be selected by Futures Market Journal to be published in a special edition on futures and derivatives markets in China and Asian-Pacific Region, and the Chinese ones will be published in Management World and Chinese Journal of Management Science.
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