Updated on Aug 06,2019
TSR 20
Contract Size
10 metric tons/lot
Price Quotation
(RMB) Yuan/metric ton(no tax or duty included in the quotation)
Minimum Price Fluctuation
5 Yuan/metric ton
Daily Price Limits
±5% from the settlement price of the previous trading day
Delivery Months
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December
Trading Hours
9:00-11:30 a.m., 1:30-3:00 p.m. (the Beijing Time), and other trading hours as prescribed by the Exchange
Last Trading Day
The 15th day of the delivery month (postponed accordingly if it is a national holiday or weekend; the Shanghai International Energy Exchange is entitled to adjust the last trading day in accordance with the national holidays or weekends.)
Delivery Period
Five (5) consecutive trading days after the last trading day
Grades and Quality Specifications
Refer to Appendix for detailed quality standards
Delivery Venues
Delivery Storage Facilities designated by the Shanghai International Energy Exchange
Minimum Trading Margin
7% of contract value
Settlement Type
Product Symbol
Listing Exchange
Shanghai International Energy Exchange