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Updated on May 09,2023

Circular of Shanghai International Energy Exchange on Market Maker Applications for Futures and Options Products

Shanghai International Energy Exchange has released its Circular on Market Maker Applications for Futures and Options Products as follows:

To enhance the role of market makers, improve the functioning of the futures and options markets, and better serve the real economy, the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (“INE”) now accepts applications for new market makers for relevant INE futures and options products in accordance with the Market-Making Management Rules of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange. Details about this application are as follows:
1. Products Concerned
Crude oil (SC), TSR 20 (NR), Low sulfur fuel oil (LU).
Options: Crude oil options.
2. Application Requirements
(1) Having net assets of no less than RMB 50 million or its equivalent in foreign currency;
(2) Having specialized agencies and personnel in charge of the market-making business, and market-making personnel familiar with the relevant laws and regulations as well as INE’s business rules;
(3) Having a sound plan for the market-making business, an internal control system, and a risk management system;
(4) Having no record of severe violation of laws or regulations in the past three years;
(5) Having a stable and reliable technology system for the market-making business;
(6) Having the experience recognized by INE in trading, market-making, or simulated market-making; and
(7) Other requirements prescribed by INE.
3. Materials for Application
(1) An Application Form for Market Maker Qualification with the applicant’s common seal (if any) signed by its legal representative or authorized signatory (Appendix 1);
(2) A photocopy of the applicant’s Business License bearing its common seal, or notarized and lawfully authenticated materials on its legitimate establishment;
(3) The original of the latest audited financial statement, or a photocopy bearing the common seal of the accounting firm or bearing the signature of the authorized signatory of the accounting firm or the auditing firm. In any case, a paging seal should be stamped;
(4) Post setting and job responsibility of the market-making department, and the name list and resumes of the person-in-charge and other personnel for the market-making business (Appendix 2);
(5) An implementation plan for the market-making business, internal control system, and risk management system (Appendix 3 for key points of reference). All these documents should be stamped with a paging seal;
(6) A Letter of Commitment on no severe violation of laws or regulations in the past three years (Appendix 4);
(7) A statement on its technology system for the market-making business (Appendix 5);
(8) A statement on its market-making or simulated market-making; and
(9) Other materials required by INE and, for a risk management subsidiary of a securities company or futures firm, a photocopy of its Filing Letter of the China Futures Association on Market-making Business.
4. Requirements for Submission
(1) Form of Materials:
All application materials should be submitted in electronic format and, for Appendices 1 and 4, in paper format as well. Both electronic and paper materials should bear the applicant’s common seal. For existing market makers for INE futures or options products, only Appendices 1 and 4 are needed.
(2) Order of Materials: Please number the required materials by referring to the above “Materials for Application” section and submit them together with a list.
(3) Name of Materials: Please name the materials in the format of “Applicant Name—Application Materials for Shanghai International Energy Exchange Market Maker.”
(4) Deadline of Submission: Please submit the electronic and paper materials respectively by email and post before May 15th, 2023, and call us to confirm the receipts.
(5) Applicants who do not meet the application requirements or provide incomplete application materials will be ineligible for the subsequent comprehensive assessment. INE may require additional materials or conduct on-site inspection as necessary.
5. Contact Information
Tel:       021–68401847
Address:    Shanghai Futures Tower, 500 Pudian Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Attention:   Trading Department
Postal Code:  200122

      1. INE Application Form for Market Maker Qualification
      2. Summary Table of Posts and Personnel for Market-Making Business
      3. Key Points of Reference in the Implementation Plan and Internal Rules for Market-Making Business
      4. Letter of Commitment
      5. INE Filing Form of Technology System for the Market-Making Business



Shanghai International Energy Exchange
May 9th, 2023

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