Updated on Jul 27,2023
Underlying Asset
Butadiene Rubber futures contract (5 tons)
Contract Type
Call option and put option
Contract Size
One butadiene rubber futures contract
Price Quotation
(RMB) Yuan/ton
Minimum Price Fluctuation
1 Yuan /ton
Daily Price Limit
Same as that for the underlying futures contract
Contract Month
Option contracts will be listed for the nearest two consecutive months and, when the open interest of the underlying futures contract, after daily clearing, has reached a specific threshold to be separately announced by the Exchange, for later months on the second trading day thereafter
Trading Hours
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., and other hours specified by the Exchange
Last Trading Day
The fifth-to-last trading day of the month before the delivery month of the underlying futures contract, subject to adjustment by the Exchange in case of a national holiday and other special circumstances
Expiration Date
Same as the last trading day
Strike Price
The range of strike price is the previous trading day’s settlement price of the underlying futures contract plus or minus 1.5 times the current day’s price limit. The strike price interval is 100 Yuan/ton if strike price ≤10000 Yuan/ton; 200 Yuan/ton if 10000 Yuan/ton < strike price ≤25000 Yuan/ton; 500 Yuan/ton if strike price > 25000 Yuan/ton
Option Style
American style. Buyers may submit an exercise request during trading hours on any trading day before the expiration date, and may submit an exercise or abandonment request before 3:30 p.m. on the expiration date
Contract Symbol
Call option: BR-Contract Month-C-Strike Price
Put option: BR-Contract Month-P-Strike Price
Listing Exchange