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Home / Services / Members / Membership


Business introduction

       Member is a corporation or an economic organization that conducts futures trading at the Exchange according to the applicable laws and regulations on futures trading or the Articles of the Exchange on approval of the same. The corporations or the economic organizations within the territory of the People’s Republic of China may apply to be members of the Exchange. The membership may be transferred on approval.


       Membership enrollment, disqualification and transfer involve an application of the member as well as the acceptance, a primary review and approval of the Exchange in accordance with Shanghai Futures Exchange Membership Management Measures.

Guide to the actual process

+ Membership Enrollment, Disqualification and Transfer

Business Description
Click to view >>
Guide to the actual process
Membership enrollment:
Membership Application Process >>
Membership Enrollment Process >>
Brief Introduction to Membership Approval Process >>
Membership Disqualification Process:
Membership Disqualification Process >>
Membership Transfer Process:
Membership Transfer Process >>
Change of Member Name:
Membership Name Change Process >>
Guide to Member Name Change >>
Corresponding Management System
Business Contact
Chen Yuanyuan
Business Procedures
Access the Market